MESS moved to SVN and was later merged into the MAME SVN.

Previous 508919 RevisionsNext 50

Friday 16th February, 2007 at 16:50:01 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[SMS] Made the fm detection port react when the bios is enabled (bug #1074)

Tuesday 13th February, 2007 at 18:23:16 UTC by Phill Harvey-Smith
Re-wrote coco 1/2/Dragon memory handling, tidyed up common code, made
cartline emulation more accurate

Monday 12th February, 2007 at 03:55:05 UTC by Nathan Woods
[COCO3] Fixed a subtle GIME timer problem. (bug #1065)

Sunday 11th February, 2007 at 15:56:46 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[Z80GB] Improved emulation of the HALT instruction and the HALT bug.
[src/cpu/z80gb]opc_main.h z80gb.c

Sunday 11th February, 2007 at 14:19:42 UTC by Nathan Woods
[CGENIE] Changed some variables to initialize at startup. (bug #1055)

Sunday 11th February, 2007 at 13:15:56 UTC by Nathan Woods
[IP22] Fixed regression introduced in 0.112. (bug #1045)

Friday 9th February, 2007 at 19:51:08 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[SMS/GG] Improved PSG, FM, and CPU clock frequencies [Andre Cotrim]

Friday 9th February, 2007 at 17:04:14 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[GAMEBOY] Fixed window drawing issue introduced by the video rewrite.

Friday 9th February, 2007 at 15:59:15 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[GAMEBOY] Rewrote the serial I/O handling to use mame timers internally.

Friday 9th February, 2007 at 03:07:11 UTC by Nathan Woods
[Windows] Fixed problem opening and deleting files contained within directories.
(bug #1066)

Thursday 8th February, 2007 at 02:21:04 UTC by Nathan Woods
[Windows Imgtool] Fixed bug in UTF-8 handling

Wednesday 7th February, 2007 at 19:19:49 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[GAMEBOY] Rewrote video hardware timing. Rewrote rendering code to support
mid-scanline effects.

Wednesday 7th February, 2007 at 01:33:53 UTC by Nathan Woods
Prep for next dev cycle

Wednesday 7th February, 2007 at 00:10:39 UTC by Nathan Woods
[Windows GUI] Fixed default rompath

Tuesday 6th February, 2007 at 22:48:33 UTC by Nathan Woods
[THOMSON] Enabled crosshair and corrected screen height

Tuesday 6th February, 2007 at 22:46:38 UTC by Nathan Woods
#ifndef MESS-ing the 10th anniversary of MAME message. (I'm happy too, but it
isn't MESS's 10th anniversary yet)

Monday 5th February, 2007 at 12:12:43 UTC by Nathan Woods
Updated to MAME 0.112 core
[src]cpuexec.c drawgfx.c drawgfx.h mamedriv.c render.c rendfont.c ui.c version.c video.c
[src/drivers]afega.c aleck64.c arabian.c backfire.c balsente.c battlex.c berzerk.c bfm_sc2.c calorie.c cave.c champbwl.c cidelsa.c cischeat.c coinmstr.c couple.c cps2.c darkmist.c dassault.c ddayjlc.c ddragon.c deco156.c deco32.c deco_mlc.c dooyong.c dynax.c exerion.c exidy.c f-32.c fantland.c fcombat.c freekick.c funworld.c gaiden.c gauntlet.c halleys.c igs_blit.c itech32.c ladybug.c ltcasino.c megasys1.c merit.c midyunit.c mpatrol.c mpu4.c ms32.c mustache.c namcos2.c namcos22.c namcos86.c ninjaw.c onetwo.c othunder.c panicr.c pass.c pingpong.c pirates.c pmpoker.c pntnpuzl.c policetr.c popeye.c portrait.c renegade.c scobra.c scramble.c segaybd.c seta.c silkroad.c simpl156.c skyarmy.c slapshot.c snowbros.c speedspn.c sslam.c ssv.c stv.c stvinit.c supdrapo.c talbot.c targeth.c tarzan.c tattack.c tempest.c tmnt.c toaplan2.c toki.c travrusa.c tsamurai.c tumbleb.c twin16.c warpwarp.c wecleman.c wink.c witch.c wwfwfest.c
[src/machine]cps2crpt.c deco102.c deco156.c decocrpt.c konamigx.c mc8123.c neoboot.c neocrypt.c scramble.c scsicd.c scsihd.c segas32.c steppers.c stvcd.c
[src/sound]bsmt2000.c iremga20.c s14001a.c scsp.c sn76477.c tiaintf.c wavwrite.c
[src/vidhrdw]aeroboto.c bfm_adr2.c cdp1869.c cdp1869.h dooyong.c hyprduel.c metro.c mpatrol.c mystwarr.c res_net.c sslam.c stvvdp1.c subs.c taito_f3.c wecleman.c
[src/windows]config.c drawd3d.c main.c winalloc.c windows.mak

Sunday 4th February, 2007 at 19:31:41 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[Z80GB] Fixed cycle counts for JP, JR and RET instructions.

Sunday 4th February, 2007 at 15:05:04 UTC by Nathan Woods
1. Moved osd_rmfile() out of MESS and into MAME code

2. [Windows] Changed tape dialog to use win_set_window_text_utf8() instead of

3. [Windows] Changed call from deprecated call ScrollWindow() to

4. [Windows] Fixed mmeory leak [Oliver Stoeneberg]
[mess/windows]configms.c tapedlg.c winmess.c winutils.c

Sunday 4th February, 2007 at 10:01:40 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[Z80GB] Updated when cycles are considered taken.
Fixed bug in the CPL instruction.
Fixed HALT behaviour when interrupts are disabled.
[src/cpu/z80gb]opc_main.h z80gb.c

Saturday 3rd February, 2007 at 19:29:05 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[PCE] Made sure palette index register stays within bounds. (bug #933)

Saturday 3rd February, 2007 at 18:05:51 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[SMS] Removed obsolete NVRAM_HANDLER.
Added support to save and load battery backed RAM for cartridges that support it.
Added image_seterror message to DEVICE_LOAD handler.

Saturday 3rd February, 2007 at 13:14:36 UTC by Nathan Woods
[Windows] Fixed compilation errors under UNICODE=1
[mess/windows]parallel.c winmess.c

Saturday 3rd February, 2007 at 13:02:55 UTC by Nathan Woods
[AVIGO] Removed redundant artwork in (bug #1043)

Saturday 3rd February, 2007 at 03:38:12 UTC by Nathan Woods
[C16] Fixed crash when ramsize was set to less than 64k. (bug #1049)

Saturday 3rd February, 2007 at 00:17:23 UTC by Nathan Woods
Removed redundant checks for tilemap allocation failute. [Dirk Best]
[mess/vidhrdw]apple2.c aquarius.c cdp186x.c microtan.c osi.c trs80.c

Thursday 1st February, 2007 at 02:00:04 UTC by Nathan Woods
[Windows] Fixed device create bugs that could cause file extensions to not be
be specified by default or crashes. (bug #1040)
[mess/windows]dialog.c menu.c

Thursday 1st February, 2007 at 00:16:15 UTC by Nathan Woods
Fixed problem creating printer output. (bug #1039)

Wednesday 31st January, 2007 at 17:35:55 UTC by Wilbert Pol
Changed non-NMI interrupt requests from PULSE_LINE into HOLD_LINE for Z80 based systems.
[mess/machine]astrocde.c cgenie.c galaxy.c
[mess/systems]aquarius.c jupiter.c nascom1.c p2000t.c spectrum.c

Wednesday 31st January, 2007 at 12:33:28 UTC by Nathan Woods
Reinstated #pragma declaration; it doesn't appear to cause GCC internal errors

Wednesday 31st January, 2007 at 02:36:46 UTC by Nathan Woods
[APPLE2] Fixed crash when ramsize was set to 4k. (bug #1048)

Tuesday 30th January, 2007 at 20:33:20 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[VTECH2] Fixed interrupt behaviour. [Duke_]

Tuesday 30th January, 2007 at 20:19:20 UTC by Wilbert Pol
[WSWAN] Fixed compilation warning on regular builds. Updated DEVICE_LOAD to use auto_malloc.

Tuesday 30th January, 2007 at 11:08:19 UTC by Nathan Woods
[VTECH1] Fixed Z80-related regressions. [Dirk Best]

Tuesday 30th January, 2007 at 03:54:32 UTC by Nathan Woods
Now that 0.111u6 is out, removed dummy screen

Tuesday 30th January, 2007 at 03:50:28 UTC by Nathan Woods
Fixed missing CPU cores

Tuesday 30th January, 2007 at 03:29:47 UTC by Nathan Woods
[MSX2] Fixed MSX2 PAL framerates. (bug #963) [MJSTY]

Tuesday 30th January, 2007 at 03:23:37 UTC by Nathan Woods
Fixed internal handling of ZIP paths, so there is no need to make the paths
lowercase internally

Tuesday 30th January, 2007 at 03:07:36 UTC by Nathan Woods
Doh forgot to add these
[src/tools]chdcd.c* chdcd.h* chdman.c* file2str.c* jedutil.c* romcmp.c*

Tuesday 30th January, 2007 at 01:56:38 UTC by Nathan Woods
Updated to MAME 0.111u6 core
[ROOT]makefile makefile.mes
[mess]mess.mak osdmess.h
[mess/windows]glob.c windows.mak winmess.c
[src]chdcd.c chdcd.h chdman.c cpuexec.c cpuexec.h driver.c driver.h file2str.c fileio.c inptport.c inptport.h jedutil.c mame.c mamecore.h mamedriv.c osdcore.h palette.c render.c rendlay.c romcmp.c tilemap.c timer.h ui.c uitext.c validity.c video.c
[src/cpu/arm7]arm7core.h arm7dasm.c arm7exec.c
[src/cpu/i8085]i8085.c i8085cpu.h
[src/drivers]acommand.c aleck64.c alg.c ampoker.c asteroid.c balsente.c bbusters.c berzerk.c bestleag.c bwing.c calorie.c cball.c cherrym.c cherrym2.c cischeat.c cntsteer.c coinmstr.c cojag.c couple.c cowrace.c crbaloon.c cybertnk.c dacholer.c darkhors.c deco32.c dkong.c dreamwld.c drtomy.c ettrivia.c exidy440.c fantland.c gaelco2.c galaga.c hornet.c jalmah.c jollyjgr.c konamigq.c konamigv.c konamigx.c laserbat.c lethal.c lethalj.c limenko.c looping.c lordgun.c ltcasino.c lucky8.c madalien.c magic10.c magicfly.c marinedt.c merit.c midas.c midzeus.c model3.c mpu4.c mw8080bw.c mwarr.c namconb1.c namcos11.c namcos12.c namcos2.c namcos22.c namcos23.c nemesis.c nmg5.c nwk-tr.c nycaptor.c olibochu.c oneshot.c onetwo.c opwolf.c pasha2.c pgm.c playch10.c pmpoker.c pntnpuzl.c policetr.c powerbal.c rabbit.c raiden.c rcasino.c rmhaihai.c safarir.c seattle.c segaorun.c segas16a.c segas16b.c segas18.c segaxbd.c segaybd.c seta.c shanghai.c skyarmy.c skylncr.c slapshot.c ssv.c starspnr.c statriv2.c stv.c supdrapo.c superdq.c system1.c taitowlf.c talbot.c targeth.c tickee.c toaplan2.c ultrsprt.c undrfire.c unico.c vp906iii.c vroulet.c vsnes.c wallc.c wilytowr.c wink.c witch.c xtheball.c yumefuda.c
[src/includes]mw8080bw.h unico.h
[src/layout]invad2ct.lay invaders.lay
[src/machine]atari.c laserdsc.c neogeo.c pckeybrd.c steppers.c steppers.h
[src/sndhrdw]8080bw.c berzerk.c flower.c gomoku.c laserbat.c mw8080bw.c n8080.c wiping.c
[src/sound]s14001a.c s14001a.h scsp.c scspdsp.c* scspdsp.h* sn76477.c sn76477.h sound.mak
[src/vidhrdw]1942.c 1943.c 40love.c 8080bw.c actfancr.c aeroboto.c aerofgt.c afega.c airbustr.c alpha68k.c amiga.c amspdwy.c appoooh.c aquarium.c argus.c arkanoid.c armedf.c ashnojoe.c astrocde.c atarig1.c atarig42.c atarigt.c atarigx2.c atarirle.c atarisy1.c atarisy2.c atetris.c attckufo.c badlands.c bagman.c bankp.c baraduke.c batman.c battlane.c battlex.c bbusters.c bfm_adr2.c bigstrkb.c bionicc.c bking2.c blktiger.c blmbycar.c blockade.c bloodbro.c blstroid.c blueprnt.c bogeyman.c bombjack.c bosco.c brkthru.c bsktball.c btoads.c bwing.c cabal.c canyon.c capbowl.c cave.c cbasebal.c centiped.c chaknpop.c champbas.c circus.c circusc.c citycon.c cloak.c clshroad.c combatsc.c commando.c compgolf.c contra.c cop01.c cps1.c crbaloon.c crospang.c crshrace.c cvs.c cyberbal.c darius.c darkseal.c dbz.c dcheese.c dcon.c dday.c ddragon.c ddragon3.c ddrible.c deadang.c dec0.c dec8.c deco16ic.c deco32.c deco_mlc.c decocass.c deniam.c digdug.c djboy.c dkong.c docastle.c dogfgt.c dragrace.c dribling.c drmicro.c eolith.c eprom.c esd16.c espial.c exctsccr.c exedexes.c exprraid.c exterm.c f1gp.c fastfred.c fastlane.c fgoal.c firetrap.c firetrk.c flkatck.c flower.c foodf.c fromanc2.c fromance.c funkybee.c funworld.c fuukifg2.c fuukifg3.c gaelco.c gaelco2.c gaelco3d.c gaiden.c galaga.c galaxian.c galivan.c gaplus.c gauntlet.c gberet.c gcpinbal.c genesis.c ginganin.c gladiatr.c glass.c gng.c goal92.c goindol.c gomoku.c gotcha.c gottlieb.c gotya.c grchamp.c gsword.c gticlub.c gundealr.c gunsmoke.c hanaawas.c hcastle.c hexa.c hexion.c higemaru.c hng64.c holeland.c homedata.c hyperspt.c hyprduel.c inufuku.c iqblock.c ironhors.c itech8.c jack.c jackal.c jailbrek.c jcross.c kaneko16.c karnov.c kchamp.c kingobox.c klax.c kncljoe.c konamigx.c konamiic.c kopunch.c kyugo.c labyrunr.c ladybug.c lasso.c lastduel.c legionna.c liberate.c lkage.c lordgun.c lvcards.c lwings.c m107.c m3raster.c m62.c m72.c m90.c m92.c macrossp.c madmotor.c magmax.c mappy.c mario.c markham.c marvins.c mayumi.c mcatadv.c mcr.c mcr3.c mcr68.c meadows.c mermaid.c metlclsh.c metro.c mikie.c mitchell.c mjkjidai.c model1.c model2.c model3.c mole.c mosaic.c mpatrol.c mrdo.c mrjong.c ms32.c msisaac.c mw8080bw.c mystston.c n64.c n8080.c namcona1.c namcos1.c namcos2.c namcos21.c namcos22.c namcos86.c nemesis.c neogeo.c nitedrvr.c nmk16.c nova2001.c offtwall.c ohmygod.c ojankohs.c omegaf.c orbit.c othldrby.c pacland.c pacman.c pandoras.c paradise.c pass.c pbaction.c pcktgal.c pgm.c phoenix.c pingpong.c pirates.c playch10.c playmark.c pokechmp.c polepos.c poolshrk.c pooyan.c popeye.c popper.c portrait.c powerins.c prehisle.c psikyo.c psikyosh.c psychic5.c pushman.c quasar.c quizdna.c quizpani.c raiden.c rallyx.c realbrk.c redclash.c relief.c renegade.c retofinv.c rockola.c rocnrope.c rpunch.c sauro.c sbasketb.c sbrkout.c sbugger.c scotrsht.c segaic16.c segaic24.c segas18.c segas32.c seibuspi.c seicross.c sengokmj.c senjyo.c seta.c sf.c shaolins.c shisen.c shootout.c shuuz.c sidearms.c sidepckt.c skullxbo.c skydiver.c skykid.c skyraid.c slapfght.c snk.c snk68.c solomon.c sonson.c spbactn.c spdodgeb.c speedatk.c speedbal.c splash.c sprcros2.c sprint2.c sprint4.c sprint8.c srumbler.c sshangha.c sslam.c ssozumo.c ssv.c st0016.c stadhero.c starshp1.c stfight.c strnskil.c suna8.c superqix.c suprloco.c suprridr.c suprslam.c system16.c tagteam.c tail2nos.c taito_b.c taito_f2.c taito_f3.c taito_l.c taitoair.c taitoic.c taitojc.c tank8.c tankbatt.c tankbust.c targeth.c tatsumi.c tbowl.c tceptor.c tecmo.c tecmo16.c tehkanwc.c terracre.c tetrisp2.c thedeep.c thoop2.c thunderj.c tiamc1.c tigeroad.c timelimt.c timeplt.c tmnt.c tms34061.c toaplan1.c toaplan2.c toki.c toobin.c toypop.c tp84.c trackfld.c travrusa.c triplhnt.c trucocl.c tryout.c tsamurai.c tumbleb.c tunhunt.c twin16.c twincobr.c unico.c usgames.c vastar.c vball.c videopin.c vindictr.c voodoo.c vulgus.c warpwarp.c wc90.c wc90b.c wecleman.c welltris.c wgp.c williams.c wolfpack.c wrally.c wwfsstar.c wwfwfest.c xain.c xevious.c xmen.c xorworld.c xybots.c yard.c yiear.c yunsun16.c yunsung8.c zac2650.c zaccaria.c zaxxon.c zodiack.c
[src/windows]windir.c windows.mak winmain.c winmisc.c winutil.c winutil.h

Monday 29th January, 2007 at 11:15:25 UTC by Nathan Woods
Fixed tiny build. [Dirk Best]

Sunday 28th January, 2007 at 22:56:47 UTC by Nathan Woods
Fixed hash file processing. [MJSTY]

Sunday 28th January, 2007 at 22:40:23 UTC by Nathan Woods
[THOMSON] Fixed bug #1037, slightly improved video emulation, all machines now
use model 2 game extension, improved mouse support, and UTF-8 on all input ports
[Antoine Mine]
[mess/formats]thom_cas.c thom_cas.h thom_dsk.c thom_dsk.h
[mess/machine]mc6854.c mc6854.h thomson.c thomson.h

Sunday 28th January, 2007 at 22:27:06 UTC by Nathan Woods
1. Second part of fix to bug #1041

2. Cleanups to follow MESS's coding conventions [Phill Harvey-Smith]
[mess/machine]coco.c cococart.c

Sunday 28th January, 2007 at 21:14:20 UTC by Nathan Woods
Sorry Justin!

Sunday 28th January, 2007 at 20:35:08 UTC by Nathan Woods
New driver: Apple IIj+ (apple2jp) - Japanese Apple II+ [Nick Westgate]

Sunday 28th January, 2007 at 20:01:27 UTC by Nathan Woods
[COCO] Fixed regression in one-bit sound. (bug #1041)

Sunday 28th January, 2007 at 19:27:29 UTC by Nathan Woods
Removed extraneous CPU/Sound cores. (bug #1042) [Oliver Stoeneberg)
[mess]mess.mak tinyms.mak

Sunday 28th January, 2007 at 19:14:06 UTC by Nathan Woods
[MK2] Updated in preparation for screenless system support in core MAME

Sunday 28th January, 2007 at 18:46:33 UTC by Wilbert Pol
Removed unused vzdos_diskimage_closeenum function. [Duke]

Previous 508919 RevisionsNext 50

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